Expat Cinema: De wilde Noordzee

Expat Cinema: De wilde Noordzee

Mark Verkerk - Holland - 2024 - 89 minuten - taal: Dutch - ondertiteling: English
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In The Wild North Sea, we follow experienced diver and cameraman Peter van Rodijnen, who has filmed in oceans all over the world for the past 20 years.

Inspired by the renowned explorer Jacques Cousteau, Peter decides to capture the unknown underwater world of the North Sea. Initially, he expects to primarily film large and iconic species such as the giant shark, orca, and tuna. But he soon realizes that these are only part of a much larger and interconnected system, and that the health of the North Sea depends on all its inhabitants, from the smallest plankton to the largest shark. With stunning and visually captivating footage, Peter van Rodijnen reveals a spectacular underwater world, completely unknown to most of us. An unforgettable adventure for young and old alike!